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Mr. RauRauR | July 26, 2024

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The Top 10 Important Sex Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend Even if You are Afraid to Ask

December 28, 2012 |

Sex is often a very sensitive topic just because some people have a hard time talking about it. While some couples have no problem sharing their feeling with one another, most on the other hand just keep their thoughts to … Read More

Top 10 Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend to Know More about Her

December 17, 2012 |

So you want to know more about your girlfriend but you are afraid to ask questions from her lest she might not like to entertain questions. However the best way you can discover more things about her is by asking … Read More

Top 10 Questions to Ask Girlfriend but You Are too Shy to Voice Out

December 13, 2012 |

Sometimes there is that awkward moment when you are with your girlfriend that you just keep quiet and be deep in your own thoughts. In all probability, you might have some questions lurking in your mind but you are too … Read More