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Mr. RauRauR | July 25, 2024

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Top 10 First Date Topics You Need to Cover and Use to Your Advantage

October 27, 2013 |

There are two types of people in this world: those who can stir up a conversation out of thin air and those that are stumped all of the time. Needless to say, those that can converse and think of topics … Read More

Top 10 Sex Education Pros and Cons and The Fine Line Between Them

October 21, 2013 |

While most people of the older generation tend to frown upon the current state the media is in with all the sex and violence that is incorporated into everything, we must face the fact that sex is easily made available … Read More

Top 10 Questions to Ask Girlfriend but You Are too Shy to Voice Out

December 13, 2012 |

Sometimes there is that awkward moment when you are with your girlfriend that you just keep quiet and be deep in your own thoughts. In all probability, you might have some questions lurking in your mind but you are too … Read More