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Mr. RauRauR | October 22, 2024

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Top 10 Things to Say to a Girl to Make Her Smile (Not Smirk) at You

Top 10 Things to Say to a Girl to Make Her Smile (Not Smirk) at You

According to statistics, men rarely express what they feel making the relationship barren and dull, but those who are able to do so continue to have a happy love life. Committing to a relationship is not a simple task. It takes effort and time just to make sure that everything is going smoothly. One of the things a guy has to do is to frequently remind his girl how much he feels. Making her smile would be the best feeling a guy could ever have. There are things to say to a girl that will let her know and feel how much you love her. It is not hard to do. Just speak with your heart and let loose what you feel. But you’d better do it right, or else you’ll just ruin the moment for you both.

10. You brighten up my day every time I see you

10 You brighten up my day every time I see you

Saying to a girl that your day is being clear and bright means that seeing her has already made day. It doesn’t really matter what time it is. It’s cheesy, but what woman could smirk at a metaphor suggesting she is as bright and sunny day as very good weather that compels everyone to enjoy the outdoors? But make sure you say it right so it comes across that her face is so refreshing and she makes every second of the day brighter. Make it sound not only sweet but also uplifting.

9. You give meaning to my life

9 You give meaning to my life

Saying this to a girl, that she gives meaning to your life, simply illustrates the importance of her existence, and that is a sure way to light up her day. What you’re actually saying is that the purpose of living is her. Again, it sounds a little cheesy but if you are in love then you are entitled to all the cheesy lines you want to say. She will definitely understand that the purpose of your life is to love her. Without purpose, there would be no life and she is that purpose. Sweet, huh?

8. They say a picture paints a thousand words, then why couldn’t I paint you?

8 They say a picture paints a thousand words, then why couldn’t I paint you

Telling this line to a girl would melt her heart and make her smile. And it works all the time. It just goes to say that whenever you look at her, you are just wordless, speechless (we’ve run out of synonyms for now) in describing how you feel for her. Words are not enough to express your feelings for her. She will definitely get that message and love you back for it.

7. A life without you is like a broken pencil, pointless.

7 A life without you is like a broken pencil, pointless.

Comparing someone to a broken pencil might mean differently to others but if her sense of humor accommodates hopelessly romantic similes and metaphors saying this line to your girl is a sure killer.

6. I need you, I miss you..

6 I need you, I miss you..

Saying “I need you” is not always being needy. Some women find this line very romantic. It would make her feel very important. And for people who like knowing that someone needs them, the feeling could be overwhelming. Saying that you miss someone does not necessarily have to mean that you are far apart or that you haven’t seen each other for a while. What you are saying is that even a small amount of time spent without her makes you miss her. And how’s that for romantic?

5. I will lay down my life for you

5 I will lay down my life for you

Laying down your life means being able to sacrifice anything and everything that you have for the one you love. It does not mean that you have to take your own life literally just to say you love her, okay? It just goes to say that you are willing to go through uncalled-for lengths, say rivers and oceans, flash floods and storm drains, maybe even rush hour traffic, if and when she needs you.

4. You always make me want to be a better person (aka You make me want to be a better man)

4 You always make me want to be a better person

Sometimes a person changes when he falls in love (it happens a lot, so they say). Love changes a man especially when his inspiration is the girl of his dreams. Leaving the awful past behind would be much easier if there is someone you can hold on to and inspire you to move on. That’s essentially what becoming a better person is all about. Never hesitate to say this out loud if you feel this for someone. It doesn’t matter at all if somebody richer, more talented, and more famous than you have already said the line.

3. If “perfect” is what you’re searching for then stay the same.

3 If “perfect” is what you’re searching for then stay the same.

There is nothing perfect in this world but anything can be perfect in the subjective eyes of a person in love. Saying this line to your girl is akin to putting her on a pedestal. It is as if you are saying that you could not ask for anything more and that you are satisfied with all the she is and all that she’s not.

2. You make me believe in soul mates.

2 You make me believe in soul mates.

Believing in having a soul mate is actually a form of superstition. Guys are not that into it, but many girls are. Many girls go through life praying and hoping to meet and be with their soul mate. It is something that they would want to have and experience. Meeting the man of their dreams and the person they are destined to be is a dream coming true. Imagine saying this line to your girl who believes in soul mates. But say it only if you mean it.

1. I love you so much…

1 I love you so much…

This might be the simplest words to say to your girl but it is sure to be the words that’ll end up etched in her heart. Words are only words but saying “I love you” from the heart makes a world of difference. Letting your special someone know how you feel is the key for love to flourish.

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