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Mr. RauRauR | October 20, 2024

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Ten Best Pick Up Lines That Just Might Win You a Date with a Girl That You Like

Ten Best Pick Up Lines That Just Might Win You a Date with a Girl That You Like

Pick up lines are employed to increase your chance of finally getting a date with a girl that you like. It is a means of breaking the ice and starting a meaningful conversation. It might sound crazy but pick up lines do work. We’ve seen how a regular guy has managed somehow to be in a relationship with a gorgeous, stunning girl. We believe this happens because the guy had a really spicy pick up to deliver (and she bought it).We can’t explain how this happens, and that is not really our purpose here. All that we want is to give you some powerful tools that just might win you a good impression from the girl that you like. A word of caution – the best pick up lines would only work if perfectly delivered. Timing is very essential and the simplest mistake could make or break your one chance to be in a relationship with someone.

10. If Loving You is Wrong, I don’t Want to be Right

10 If Loving You is Wrong, I don’t Want to be Right

Let’s say you’ve had a crush on this girl for a long time and you really love her. Letting the girl know how deeply you feel is a great way to gain her affection. A lot of women are taken with men who are open with their feelings and make them feel special. This pick up line may be a bit brash, but it could get you her elusive phone number.

9. You know, you’re like a poop; (What??) Cause I would never dare play you.

9 You know you’re like a poop Cause I would never dare play you.

Delivering this pick up line takes a lot of courage and guts because you might not get the chance to deliver the rest when the girl gets stark mad after a few syllables. But, love is a kind of gamble. If you don’t bet and hope to get lucky then how can you move on to the next round? The key to delivering this properly is timing. The first part might sound nasty but when she hears the rest of it you might just melt her heart away. (Pray she has a sense of humor).

8. You’re like the sun (Why?) You bring light to my life.

8 You’re like the sun  You bring light to my life.

This pick up line can be said while walking on the street and the sun is just so hot that your girl is sweating like a pig. Telling her that she resembles the sun while her sweat is pouring all over might make her a bit crazy but when she hears the reason why you asked her that question it is certain that a smile will light up her face. Again, make sure the girl you say this to has a sense of humor.

7. Are You the Rain? (Why?) Because I am the Earth, No Matter Where You Go or Hide, You Will Always End Up on Me.

7 Are You the Rain

It might sound a little bit assuming but it could work. Nothing can beat a properly delivered line, no matter how presumptuous it is. This one is a good example. If the girl you like is a smart cookie, she’ll probably have a few lines to throw back at you. And that’s already a huge leap forward in your wooing.

6. You Look Like a Denture, I Can’t Smile Without You

6 You Look Like a Denture, I Can’t Smile Without You

Among all the other pick up lines this must be one of the most popular and widely used. But it doesn’t get old. (Or does it? We’re not sure). This might make the right girl laugh. And it’s not totally presumptuous to expect a kiss. Well, at least that’s what we think. It is funny because it is also true. Smiling without dentures would be very hard. You’re girl ought get this joke easily.

5. If I could reorganize the alphabet, I will place U and I together.

5 If I could reorganize the alphabet

Here’s another classic. It’s also very catchy and maybe that’s why it is very popular. It probably works too. Why else would people keep using it?

4. I guess your Dad is a famous artist, because you’re a masterpiece

4 I guess your Dad is a famous artist

Delivering this punch line is like hitting two birds in one stone. Complementing the girl is the main objective but saying something good about the father is an added bonus. If her father hears you say this, you are sure to get his blessing in a jiffy. Count on it.

3. I think there is an airport nearby because my heart just took off.

3 I think there is an airport nearby because my heart just took off.

Saying someone how much you like them can be done in more interesting ways than plainly saying it. Most guys can’t speak directly anyway, and that’s probably the reason why pick up lines were invented in the first place. If you want to get someone’s attention, make sure they hear something memorable. If you want to get a girl to remember you, you have to say something that would remind her of you when she sees an object that may be associated with what you said. This one’s a good example of that strategy.

2. If magnificence is time, you’d be eternity.

2 If magnificence is time, you’d be eternity.

It’s a bit heady, but no matter. Every girl loves to be complimented about the way that she looks. Flattery is a good first step. (Actually, of all the pick up lines that we’ve recommended here, this is the only one we really believe in.)

1. I know why you look tired; you’ve been running on my mind all day long.

1 I know why you look tired

Here is a word of caution. You might get slapped when you say to a girl that she looks tired. If she is really tired then she is irritable. If she’s not, she might think that you think she looks haggard and would hate you for pointing it out. Throwing in a punch line like this is very risky but if it works, it would surely pay off. The worst thing to happen is that you get kicked out or turned down. The best thing that could happen is that you get to set your first date together. It’s really up to your timing and delivery what the outcome will be.



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