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Mr. RauRauR | March 7, 2025

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Top 10 Ways to Increase Ejaculation Volume Naturally for a Mind-Blowing Sex

Top 10 Ways to Increase Ejaculation Volume Naturally for a Mind-Blowing Sex

Everyone wants a mind-blowing sex. However, it will be far from reality if you are a guy suffering from oligospermia. Oligospermia is a medical condition where a man has a very low sperm count. For most men, the volume of semen that they ejaculate is often affected by their libido and fertility. While this could be one of the trophies that their prides carry along, it is also a factor that women use to gauge a man’s sexual power. This is because a woman will not get impregnated if the sperm count of her partner is extremely low. It is already a part of human nature for women to have mating instincts, where men are expected to be the key for childbearing. Higher semen volume means increase in sexual pleasure and potency. But having low ejaculation volume will not only hurt a man’s pride, it will also cause damage to a relationship. To increase ejaculation volume, here are 10 natural ways that you can consider to have that mind-blowing sex really soon:

10. Observe stress management

10. Observe stress management

Stress has always been the number one enemy of the body. This does not only cause hormonal imbalance in women; it can also affect the hormones in men. The amount of stress hormones released by the body could permanently destroy a male’s sperm. Increase your sperm volume by reducing your stress levels. Some of the stress-reducing activities that experts suggest are deep breathing, yoga, meditation, exercise and most importantly, sleep. Make sure that despite your tight schedule, you get 8 hours of sleep as much as you can. Not having enough sleep can add more stress to your body.

9. Change your eating habits

9. Change your eating habits

People say that you are what you eat. To put it simply, whatever you put inside your mouth affects your entire body. One of the main causes of oligospermia is poor eating habit. Get rid of all the processed foods in your system and start living a healthy life. Not only will your poor diet affect your sperm count, it will also give you other serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and many more. There are foods that boost sperm volume. To enlighten you further, the sperm consist of proteins, minerals, vitamins as well as body fluids. Incorporate healthy foods such as oysters, celery, pumpkin, green barley, sunflower seeds, lamb, beef, shellfish and many more. Did you know that pineapple improves the taste of your semen? Now that is something to kick start your healthy diet.

8. Change your lifestyle

8. Change your lifestyle

In order to improve your life, you should change your lifestyle. Focus on the long term effect of your healthy living because it will not only extend your life, but it will also keep your sex life happy for as long as you live. Change your eating habits, become fit and get rid of your vices.

7. Cool your balls off

7. Cool your balls off

Wear boxers instead of tight briefs so you can allow your balls to experience air. Your tight briefs produce heat and this could affect the health of your testicles. This little change could have a huge impact on your ejaculation. Avoid making frequent visits to the sauna and hot tubs. After taking a shower, improve the circulation of your testicles by applying cool cloth to your balls.

6. Refrain from ejaculating too often

6. Refrain from ejaculating too often

Yes, we know that sex is addictive. However, too much sexual intercourse and masturbation can affect your ejaculation volume. You need to space it out by placing intervals on your sperm-release schedule. Explain it to your partner so she will not get offended. Focus on the mind-blowing sex that you are going to experience after three days. Give your testicles some days off so your sperm volume will increase. Besides, won’t it make you both miss each other so much? The excitement of doing it again after a few days would add more fire to your intimate moments.

5. Take herbal supplements

5. Take herbal supplements

Some doctors recommend natural supplements to help boost sperm count. These natural semen enhancers will also improve your erection, sex drive and ejaculatory control. Do not self-medicate. See your doctor first because there are supplements that have negative side-effects. Take supplements that are high in zinc, Vitamin E, Licorice, Selenium, L-Argine, Stinging Nettle and Sasasprilla. Raw pumpkin seeds can also boost ejaculate volume. Some brands like Semenax also improve the taste of the semen.

4. Drink plenty of water

4. Drink plenty of water

The volume of your semen is also affected by how much you are hydrating yourself. Allow yourself to take 2-3 liters of water per day. It can also get rid of all the toxins in your body. Increase your water intake so the fluids will trigger your system to produce more sperm for ejaculation.

3. Be fit

3. Be fit

A fit body has a sound mind and better ejaculation. Sounds great, right? Exercising will improve your body’s blood circulation; therefore, increasing the blood flow in your genitalia. The increase in your testosterone levels due to exercise could also affect your semen volume. Your fitter self will even improve your overall look and relationship. You can do this with your partner and consider this as one of your quality times together.

2. Practice Kegel

2. Practice Kegel

Kegel exercises are not only for women preparing for pregnancy. Men performing Kegel regularly experience an increase in the volume of ejaculation. You can begin this exercise lying down on your back and contracting your urinary flow muscles. Hold it for 10 counts and then relax for another set. The feeling should be like you are about to pee, but you still have to hold it for a while. Do 10 sets, four times daily.

1. Quit your vices

1. Quit your vices

You want to increase your sperm volume? Quit smoking and drinking. Your vices have a tremendously huge impact on the health of your reproductive system. Too much smoking has already shown a big drop on the sperm count, making affected males prone to impotence. Enjoy the love, sex and your family by quitting your vices. It will also save you from other serious health conditions.


  1. Michael Penn

    If your partner is producing limited amount of semen and has weak ejaculations and there are no medical reasons, your partner needs to up his daily fluid intake. He should swop his afternoon pint for water. The more water your partner consumes, the better the quality and quantity of semen and the more powerful the ejaculation and the more ‘spunk’ there will be!MORE AT —

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