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Mr. RauRauR | July 24, 2024

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Posts By Mrs. RauRaur

Top 10 Speed Dating Questions To Ask Women

November 8, 2013 | | 2 Comments

Because it only takes roughly five to ten minutes to know one woman, every man should have a list of speed dating questions and get ready to decide who is the most ideal for relationship. … Read More

Top 10 Cool Hairstyles for Men

November 7, 2013 |

Men can be 100% more attractive by having cool hairstyles that match their personalities. For this reason, more and more men from this generation are now trying to look their best at all times. They … Read More

Top 10 Extreme Weight Loss Diets for Men

November 6, 2013 | | One Comment

Body building is not effective without extreme weight loss diet. Imagine how disappointing it is to see body fats next to your abs? Aside from losing your confidence in front of the ladies, you also suffer from slow muscle growth … Read More

Top 10 Best Nose Hair Trimmers For Men 2013

November 5, 2013 |

Untrimmed nose hair in men is totally unattractive as well as uncomfortable because it makes you sneeze a lot. The best nose hair trimmer must always come handy whenever the need to trim arises.

A variety of … Read More

Top 10 Best Men’s Watches Under $500

November 4, 2013 |

Despite the increasing number of smart phones and other digital devices that are capable of telling the time, a lot of men still opt to wear the best men’s watches the market can offer. Whether they’re in the boardroom or … Read More

The Abs Diet: 10 Power Foods for a Flat Stomach

November 1, 2013 | | One Comment

You have been working out and your cuts are slowly showing up. It’s now time to bring the attention to your core muscles and focus on the abs diet. Check out these ten abs diet power foods and recipes for … Read More

Top 10 Greatest Homemade Sex Toys for Men

October 31, 2013 | | 2 Comments

Sex with your wife or girlfriend is always amazing, right?  But when you’re really horny and she’s not around, it’s best to turn to homemade sex toys for men.

Although genuine sex toys are still … Read More

Top 10 Best Fitness Apps for Bodybuilding

October 30, 2013 |

Staying fit is not just all about going to the gym. In fact, there are now various apps to help you achieve that perfect body you’ve always wanted. Available in App Store and Play Store, the 10 best fitness appsRead More

10 Lovemaking Songs To Get Her In The Mood

October 30, 2013 |

The right music can turn your intimate moments from boring to sizzling. People have seen it in movies as well as read it in books. The magic of these sex songs have brought wonders in many relationships since the day … Read More

Top 10 Secrets to Great Cybersex

October 29, 2013 |

Do you stick to the conventional bedroom sex? Or, do you engage in cybersex, too? If you’re doing the latter already, then that’s a good sign that your sex life will never go stale. Meanwhile, if you have not found … Read More