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Mr. RauRauR | January 8, 2025

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Top 10 Reasons You Definitely Need To Know – Why is Coke Zero Bad For You?

Top 10 Reasons You Definitely Need To Know – Why is Coke Zero Bad For You?

Everyone loves soda and basically anything that quenches your thirst on a hot day. However, just like the saying goes, not all good things are good for you. Carbonated drinks may taste so good but its ingredients, when taken in excess are not at all good for your body. Is drinking a diet cola drink a better alternative? Experts have said otherwise. Diet drinks contain many alternatives that do not contribute to the health of your body. Yes, while many may say and provide evidences that these ingredients have been approved for intake, it doesn’t necessarily absolve the fact that it can harm the body when taken in excess over a period of time. So, if you’re still wondering just why is coke zero bad for you? Here’s a list of answers you may want to consider.

10. Aspartame

10 Aspartame

Aspartame has been given the go signal as an artificial sweetener. Why is there much commotion to this substance? Studies of aspartame has been linked with birth defects, anxiety, seizures, shooting pains, spasms, depression, methanol toxicity, memory loss, headaches, multiple sclerosis or MS, blindness, systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE, and death. While there may be many other causes that contribute to these conditions, aspartame is one of them. Avoiding it in your diet can help you take a step away from developing these medical conditions.

9. Acesulfame potassium

9. Acesulfame potassium

It is this very same compound that makes your Coke Zero taste so sweet without the guilt-laden sugar on it. However, studies show that his substance is carcinogenic or to explain it simply, is a substance that can cause cancers in subjects exposed to it. With the rise of cancers developing in the US and in other countries, you’d want to think twice about taking this ingredient in your body.

8. Food acid 338

8. Food acid 338

You love that thirst-quenching acidity of diet cola but did you know that it makes use of a food acid called Phosporic acid. For those of you who are not familiar with this substance, it is the same acid that is used for rust removal. The same ingredient used for your diet drink is also used industrially. Doesn’t that disturb you at all? Well, it should. You don’t have rust in your internal organs, so why drink it in?

7. Food acid 331

7. Food acid 331

Another ingredient that causes that acidity you like in your cola is Sodium citrates or food acid 331. Sounds harmless? It’s not as harmless as you’d like to think. In fact, the same substance is used in photography and it is even used as an anticoagulant for blood when it is stored for transfusion. An anticoagulant keeps your blood from clotting. This means that in excess amounts in your body, you can end up bleeding or haemorrhaging because your own blood won’t be able to clot to stop it.

6. Sodium benzoate

6. Sodium benzoate

Studies on Sodium benzoate have produced results showing that this is one source of hyperactive behavior, especially in children. While there are many causes for a hyperactive disorder, this is one cause that many parents can avoid. Hyperactivity disorders are hard to manage especially for first time parents and teachers. Don’t let this happen to your child and keep them away from it.

5. Sodium Cyclamate

5. Sodium Cyclamate

Sodium cyclamate is one ingredient that is verifiably banned in many countries and that includes the US since the year 1969. Other countries that have banned the use of this ingredient include Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Belgium, and United Kingdom. In Mexico and Venezuela, Coke Zero production has been explicitly prohibited due in point to the existence of Sodium cyclamate. It’s disturbing why a banned ingredient would find its way in a popular cola drink, wouldn’t you say?

4. Decreased Kidney Filtering Ability

back pain

The intake on any diet soda has been known to cause a drop in kidney function, according to the 2009 Nurse’s Health Study. These results were found in participants who drank 2 servings or more in a day of diet soda. A decrease in kidney filtering is also known to aggravate or cause other conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure. From what you thought was a harmless drink can lead to so many medical conditions that would cost you a lot more to treat than it would cost you to buy that diet cola drink.

3. Enamel Damage to Your Teeth

3. Enamel Damage to Your Teeth

Diet soda or any carbonated beverages contain ingredients that are harsh on a teeth’s enamel, an important protective layer of your teeth. Continuous drinking together with bad oral habits can cause enamel damage, erosion, tooth aches and the like. Loss of confidence to smile, speak because of halitosis, and a damaged oral cavity are just some of the effects of prolonged diet cola intake. How long will it have to take you to stop? Or would you rather wait until the symptoms appear and affect you as well?

2. Weight Gain

2. Weight Gain

Excessive intake of anything can be harmful to your health, even in the instance of diet soda. Drinking it in place of regular soft drinks thinking that you won’t get fat is wrong. Whenever you drink any carbonated beverage, diet or regular, without exercise and without the inclusion of a healthy and balanced meal, you will gain weight. Much to your horror but the diet drink you’ve been so confident about drinking turns out to be the culprit to those hard to shed off pounds of yours.

1. Degrading Bone Health

1. Degrading Bone Health

Would you rather drink to your heart’s content thinking that diet soda can in fact keep you up to toe with your diet and risk your bone health? I think not. Many people are not aware of the damaging effects of the soda, whether diet or regular, to their bone health. People who drink diet soda excessively have been found to be at greater risk of developing osteoporosis. This condition can develop in a young age and drinking sodas can help you develop it at a much younger age and degrade your bones at a much faster rate.

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