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Mr. RauRauR | October 22, 2024

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Top 10 Ways on How to Get Out of a Platonic Relationship

Top 10 Ways on How to Get Out of a Platonic Relationship

There is a special place in relationship hell that a lot of men go to and it is called the friendzone. Unfortunately for some guys, the women they like may sometimes not see them in a romantic manner. For some ladies, even the nicest guy can just be their friend. So what is the reason why men fall under the friendzone in the first place? Is there a way out of a platonic relationship with a woman? The good news is, there are some things you can do to make the woman of your affections see you in a different light. Here are the top 10 ideas to get her to fall head over heels with you.

10. Don’t be too nice

10. Don’t be too nice

They say nice guys finish last. While that may be true, that doesn’t get women to like you in a romantic way. It could happen in certain instances but to be honest, those situations are just right out of a scene in a rom-com. When you are interested in a woman, don’t be putty to her every whim. She might see this as a sign that you are just her really good friend. Act like you have something better to do, even if you don’t. This will make her want you more. Don’t make yourself too available.

9. Make her jealous

9. Make her jealous

When you are friend-zoned by somebody you like, this could mean that she just does not realize your value to her. One great way to make her think twice about your relationship is dating other women. Women are selfish in nature and when something is taken away from them, it makes them realize what its value is. This could work to your advantage. If she becomes jealous, then you can move out of the platonic zone and pursue her instead. If it doesn’t work, you still have other dates!

8. Be the ultimate dream guy

8. Be the ultimate dream guy

This is pretty simple. If you know what she likes, act like it. Although you won’t be pursuing her, make her realize that it is you that she wants. Whatever her likes are for traits in a man, assimilate those. If she likes an outgoing guy, pretend to be one if you have to. Tell her that you’ve got tons of plans on the weekend and it would even be better if those are things that interest her. However, do not invite her. Make her feel like you don’t need her and she’ll be trying to get your attention soon.

7. Be there when it counts

7. Be there when it counts

Whether she has a boyfriend that does not appreciate her or she’s just feeling low, be there when it is important for her. This way, she knows that she can count on you when things are bad. Even more important, she will realize that you are dependable and the kind of guy that she would want to date rather than be friends with.

6. Give yourself a little mystery

6. Give yourself a little mystery

There is a belief that once mystery is gone, so does the romance or the romantic possibilities. If you intend to get out of the friendzone or don’t want to be in it, do not tell your lady friend everything about you. Act like there are things you would rather not tell her and this will get her more interested in you.

5. Be a bad boy

5. Be a bad boy

Now this does not mean you have to beat up random people and get arrested, but rather become something that her mother would totally hate. Women like to change men and that is a fact. They have this obsession with changing bad boys into good guys and they are completely head over heels with a mysterious tough dude. The only downside is that once she knows you’re a good guy, she might lose interest. Well, whatever gets you out of the platonic zone is good enough!

4. Act like she is not your type at all

4. Act like she is not your type at all

Women have a need for approval, even the pretty ones. Since they are so used to men fawning over them, they will not be used to the idea of a guy not liking them at all. If you want to get out of the friendzone, tell her that she’s not even your type. In fact, tell her in an insulting manner that it never even crossed your mind at all. This will get her to have a need for your approval. Use this to your advantage and have her come chasing after you instead!

3. Be the life of the party

3. Be the life of the party

If you have a lady friend that you really like and want to take your relationship to the next step, again you have to play it cool. Instead, be a very interesting individual in which people are drawn to you. She will see this as a very attractive quality and may even take the initiative to take you out of the platonic relationship you are in. Women don’t like boring guys, so do not become one.

2. Avoid doing girly things with her

2. Avoid doing girly things with her

One way of forever stamping yourself into the friendzone is doing things with her that will make her believe you are just one of her “girlfriends”. Some guys think it’s cute to paint the toenails of a female or even accompany her when she goes shopping. Do not fall into this trap. Do these things only when you are in a relationship with her already, not when you are trying to win her affections.

1. Be clear of your intentions

1. Be clear of your intentions

While women are smart, sometimes they do not realize if their guy friends are just being friendly or if they want something more. When you are interested in a woman, make sure that you communicate this when the right time comes. If she is not interested at all, she will say so. Do not let it play on for too long as she may set you in the platonic hell which there is barely any way out of, other than those mentioned above.

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