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Mr. RauRauR | October 17, 2024

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Top 10 Compliments for Women That Will Certainly Make Their Day

Top 10 Compliments for Women That Will Certainly Make Their Day

Women love to be complimented. And being very trusting of other people, they tend to believe almost every good word they hear from others especially the opposite sex. This could be due to the fact that women, being born with the nurturing spirit, like to be nurtured as well. So if they are showered with accolades and flattering remarks, they readily give in. This is not to say however that they are naïve or have low intelligence. It is far from that. Sometimes they are just naturally gracious that when they hear people’s nice words, they accept everything with appreciation to sort of give back the compliment to the giver. If you want to know the top compliments for women that will certainly make their day, read further.

10. You are a very smart woman.

You are a very smart woman.

Who wouldn’t like to be called smart? Men who know how to tickle the mind of women will certainly say such a compliment especially when they are having an important conversation. Many women are truly intelligent but hearing it said by another person more so if it is a guy will lift them up and boost their ego more.

9. You are the only woman I could talk to for hours on end.

You are the only woman I could talk to for hours on end.

There you go. He said it to a woman and hopefully he did not say it to other women friends. Nevertheless even if she was the nth woman he said these words to, it is still welcomed with much gratitude. Women may not believe it completely but when they are given such compliment they take it mostly as well meant.

8. You are gorgeous!

You are gorgeous!

Of course, every woman is gorgeous in her own way and all women want to feel beautiful no matter how young or old they may be. To be called gorgeous by a man is indeed something that will make a woman’s day. This will even encourage her more to keep looking good all the time.

7. I like your ideas.

I like your ideas.

Women’s ability to discuss ideas with others is remarkable. Their knowledge encompasses anything under the sun. Today’s women are well read, well traveled and updated with the latest issues in life. Women are aware of this ability and when they get appreciated for their talents, they feel ecstatic and motivated.

6. You have a kind heart.

You have a kind heart.

Again it is natural for women to have a kind heart yet most of the time they do not know it. They are able to touch the lives of other people without even being conscious that they are doing it. Hence it will take someone to articulate this trait to them so they themselves will realize the difference they do for their fellow men.

5. You are the loveliest among your friends.

You are the loveliest among your friends.

This will surely ring music to a woman’s ears. Being called the most beautiful woman among her group is really a high compliment. Such kind word will inspire her even more to maintain her physical strengths and continue to stand out in a crowd.

4. I love you for what you are.

 I love you for what you are.

Certainly a woman in love will rejoice deep inside her if she hears these words from her man. To be loved for whoever and whatever she is could be the best compliment that she could ever get. When she hears these words from her love, she will be exhilarated for sure. In reciprocation, she will love her partner more deeply than ever.

3. You are the only person who can make me laugh when I am down.

You are the only person who can make me laugh when I am down

Wow. Any woman’s heart will melt with this kind of compliment. If you want to appease her when she is mad or upset, say these words and you will have a good chance of being forgiven instantly.

2. You make me proud.

You make me proud.

Yes, indeed, and she is even prouder that you complimented her this way. Women are proud of their men and they are always behind their partners to lend support and care. However they also like to know that their men are proud of what they are doing. With this mutual recognition of each other’s role in one’s life, a relationship will no doubt last long if not forever.

1. I cannot live without you anymore.

I cannot live without you anymore.

What woman will not shed a tear when given this compliment? It says everything. This compliment demonstrates true and deep love. It likewise asserts a man’s commitment and reliance on the woman of her life. It states that her man’s happiness has become dependent on her and that without her in his life, he will be nothing.

Compliments are just words but when they are said with all sincerity, they can make a woman’s day. When giving praises and appreciative words to your woman, make sure you are not just paying lip service. Always try to mean what you say and say what you mean, especially with your compliments for women.

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