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Mr. RauRauR | July 27, 2024

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Hard Penis 101: Ten Ways to Get Stronger & Longer Erection

February 4, 2014 |

It is embarrassing not to have a hard penis when you need it, right? It’s either you’re sexually dysfunctional or your partner is not stimulating enough.

Suffering from limp erection is a real man’s nightmare and it can shatter both … Read More

Lose Weight While You Eat – 10 Cottage Cheese Diet Recipes To Try

January 30, 2014 |

Cottage cheese: protein-rich, tastes nasty. Sure, it’s low-fat and makes you feel full longer. But we know that the taste and texture leaves much to be desired.

Fortunately, there’s a better way of eating it: by creatively preparing it in … Read More

Low-Carb Beer: 10 Healthier Drinks That Are Better For Your Waistline

January 24, 2014 |

Fit men drink low carb beer and it’s their secret. This is how they enjoy drinking without gaining weight.

Would you like to build your body while not setting beer aside? Lucky for you, here is a list of 10 … Read More

Top 10 Surprising Ways To Increase Your Sperm Count–Fast!

January 20, 2014 |

Do you want to know how to increase sperm count easily?

Insufficient sperm count is the main cause of male infertility. Luckily, there are lots of ways to resolve this including lifestyle and dietary changes. Here are 10 tips on … Read More

Win the War on Baldness: Top 10 Hair Regrowth Products for Men

January 16, 2014 |

Hair loss or receding hairlines are common to men and may sometimes cause embarrassment.  And hair loss is not just about stress or a nutritional deficiency.  Hair baldness in men can be a genetic thing or due to the DHT … Read More

Post-Workout Meal: 10 Muscle-Building Foods You Must Try

January 14, 2014 |

You work out for a reason.  Whether to improve your health or to look good, the key to reaching your goal is combining exercise with proper nutrition. And this is where post work-out meal plays a crucial role.

Working out … Read More

Top 10 Best Teeth Whitening Products That Work

January 13, 2014 |

“You’re never fully dressed without a smile”, and when your smile no longer boasts a set of pearly whites, one can resort to the use of teeth whitening products.

The teeth naturally discolour and the once beautiful smile can fade … Read More

Top 10 Best Vitamins For Active Men

January 3, 2014 |

If you lead a fast-paced life and have an active lifestyle, you’re going to need extra supplements and nutrition to help you get through the day.  Here is a list of the best vitamins for men on the go.


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Low Testosterone in Men: 10 Natural Treatments You Should Know

January 2, 2014 |

According to several studies conducted on men’s health, testosterone plays a vital role in the life of a man. This hormone defines what a real man is and responsible for the male secondary sex characteristics. Thus, maintaining balance is really … Read More

How To Thicken Your Hair: 10 Natural Remedies You Should Know

January 1, 2014 |

If you are having problems with the quality and texture of your hair, it is useful for you to know how to thicken hair naturally. There are plenty of hair thickening products and procedures out there, but if you would … Read More