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Mr. RauRauR | July 26, 2024

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10 Healthiest Cereals To Keep You Strong and Sexy

December 6, 2013 |

These ten healthiest cereals are guaranteed to keep you strong and healthy-looking. Your body has fasted all night and it deserves a special treat of nutrient-rich breakfast. Experts recommend these ten cereals to jump start your day.


1. Kashi … Read More

10 Shocking Fitness Facts That Men Get Wrong

December 2, 2013 |

You may have heard some shocking fitness facts that men get wrong. Here are some of those myths flying around your local gym that science has cleared up.


Myth # 1: Working out with an empty stomach burns more … Read More

Muscle Builder: 10 Super Foods to Gain Muscle Mass

November 29, 2013 |

Are you a muscle builder and need to gain additional muscle mass?

Although training plays an important role in helping you get the body you’ve always wanted, a balanced diet is just as important. The proportions of carbohydrates and … Read More

How to Get a Six Pack in a Week:10 Fitness Tips That Work

November 26, 2013 |

To achieve a six-pack abs seems impossible but with the help of these tips, you will know how to get a six pack in a week at most. Get ready and be challenged with these diet plans, workout programs and … Read More

Best Chest Workout: 10 Exercises to Increase Your Chest Mass

November 25, 2013 |

More than the hunky upper body, the best chest workout gives muscle strength for your biceps and triceps. Even professional body builders had one moment of their workout routine focused on their chest mass. This is like concentrating on upper … Read More

10 Home Remedies To Get Rid of Acne Scars Overnight

November 21, 2013 |

Wondering how to get rid of acne scars overnight?

Dark spots caused by acne and pimples are major skin problems that can look unappealing when untreated. Try these safe fixes at night and wake up with a blemish free … Read More

Top 10 Best Antiperspirant For Men Who Sweat A Lot

November 19, 2013 |

Stinky isn’t sexy. Unless you plan on being a human repellent, you know that BO isn’t good for your social life. It’s not even manly. Unless you live in a culture that finds this attractive, you should probably get the … Read More

How to Get Big Arms:10 Fast Rules You Should Know

November 18, 2013 |

Are you still not convinced by hundreds of topics regarding how to get big? Are you still looking for effective ways to grow bigger and muscular arms?

We know that you already tried a lot of trainings, diets, and other … Read More

Top 10 Extreme Weight Loss Diets for Men

November 6, 2013 | | One Comment

Body building is not effective without extreme weight loss diet. Imagine how disappointing it is to see body fats next to your abs? Aside from losing your confidence in front of the ladies, you also suffer from slow muscle growth … Read More

The Abs Diet: 10 Power Foods for a Flat Stomach

November 1, 2013 | | One Comment

You have been working out and your cuts are slowly showing up. It’s now time to bring the attention to your core muscles and focus on the abs diet. Check out these ten abs diet power foods and recipes for … Read More